Yo. I'm Martin Boehme.

I frequently take photos, play piano, ponder Pokémon, read, study languages, and drink tea.

I sometimes write, code, compose music, make pixel art, and befriend spiders.

I rarely convince myself to make this list shorter.

Exploring existence with Ashley Diers.

Building things with Thomas Frank.

Notion Certified

Español +++

Français ++


Martin looking through a camera on the edge of a cliff a branch at sunset ice sticking out from a still lake an ant peering into a flower a jumping spider atop a yellow flower a grey, intentionally blurred view of a lake in the evening a drop of ice on an autumn leaf a close-up view of a damselfly who appears to be looking at the camera a vivid sunset behind the Minneapolis skyline a high-up view of a lake and autumn trees a path into the woods cloaked in shadow Ashley on a shore in the Pacific Northwest